Indianapolis K-9 Training Club

K-9 Protection Training

I am Ray Sarkine, training director of Indy Fur Missiles. I trained my first protection dog over 30 years ago.

Training dogs is both Science and Art.

I emphasize the 4 C’s. Clarity, Commitment, Communication and Consistency. You need ALL four to be successful.

I am a ‘balanced’ trainer, utilizing a ‘Rewards-based’ approach. My goal is a strong, reliable protection dog whom is lovable and sociable. Training to this level requires a thoughtful step-by-step approach. 

I believe it’s important to train the dog and the handler.  Developing this teamwork is THE way to obtain long-term results. 

Be Aware,   inferior brutal approaches are widespread and the public seldom knows the difference.  But those differences are HUGE. The wrong approach is dangerous to the dog and everyone else. 

Educate yourself.  After all, you don’t know what you don’t know

Dog training is a long-term pursuit. You need commitment, patience and positivity.  We have a upbeat, fun atmosphere allowing us to ENJOY the process. We support one another and have Fun but we keep it professional too.

We meet regularly in our custom facility and in various other locations. 

It’s important to NEVER lose sight of the special relationship you have with your dog. Dogs feel your emotions right down the leash.

If you’re interested in buying a protection dog, a puppy prospect or want to train your dog for protection please visit 


Fun with Detection

Are you looking for a fun, rewarding activity to enjoy with your dog? 

Nose work is one of the fastest growing sports in the U.S. And you don’t need a ‘Police’ dog. In fact, dogs of all breeds and mixed-breeds have excelled.  All you need is desire!

Your dog will love it. You’ll love it. And it will help satisfy your Fur-Baby’s desire to hunt and be active.

We are Strong supporters of the Thin Blue Line.

Between Apprehension, Detection and Tracking it can be overwhelming just trying to keep up.

Many small agencies can’t afford or allow time for training.

But your dog doesn’t understand policies, budget restraints or current political views.

He only knows his job….or he forgets his job. We can help you build or re-train the skills you need.

If you or your agency needs help contact us.  Together we’ll keep your k9 on track and taking a bite out of crime.

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